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Imam Ali’s martyrdom as the First Muslim, an intimate associate of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HF) in his life and holy Islamic mission, the Immediate Successor to the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HF) and the First Holy Immaculate Imam of the Shi’a Muslims. On the 19th day of Ramadan in 661, Imam Ali (PBUH) […]
Qadr Night Among the Shia Muslims Shia Muslims observe Qadr Night, also known as ‘Laylat al Qadr,’ the ‘Night of Destiny’ or the ‘Night of Power,’ every year in Ramadan (the 9th Islamic month) and it is considered to be the holiest night of the year for Muslims. The exact date of Laylat al-Qadr is […]
In the previous article we talked about the three first ranks in the organization of Dawoodi Bohras, as the da’i mutlaq, ma’dhun and mashayikh. Next rank in the da’wa hierarchy comes the ‘amil or agent, who is the head of any local Da’udi congregation or jama’at. Addressed as Bha’i Sahib or Miyan Sahib, the ‘amils […]
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