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Feb 16
The Unique Features of Imam Ali

Continuing to talk about the unique features of Imam Ali (AS), we come to the following items: ‎-    The first male Muslim: All historians agree that after the Prophet of Mercy was given the Divine ‎Mission to guide the people, Ali (AS) was the first man to believe in him and support him at the […]

Feb 14
The Unique Characteristics of Imam Ali

Within the history of Islam, no other individual after the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had the unique ‎characteristics of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS). If the people, rather than God, were to settle on the ‎best and most qualified person as the successor to the Prophet, nobody would have been more ‎suitable than Ali. A […]

Feb 12
The Nizari Ismailis

The Nizari Ismailis are the largest segment of the Ismaili Muslims, who are the second-largest branch of Shia Islam after the Twelvers. Nizaris, along with Twelvers, adhere to the Jaʽfari school of jurisprudence. The Aga Khan, is the spiritual leader and Imam of the Nizaris. The global seat of the Ismaili Imamate is in Lisbon, Portugal. The Nizari Ismailis have had their own complex history and separate doctrinal development. The circumstances of […]


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