To complete the previous post, there are some other festivals held by Ismaili Shias which need to be mentioned and briefly described:
Navroz or Nowruz, is a nation-wide celebration that marks the beginning of a brand-new year and highlights spiritual and physical transformation. It is a time to gain a positive outlook on life and delve in gratitude. Among the festivals held by Ismaili Shias all over the world, Nowruz can also be mentioned which is celebrated through gathering as a family, reciting devotional poetry like ginans, qasidas, and manqabas, and having dried fruit, nuts and grains, as all of these represent gratitude, abundance and prosperity among them.
Mi’raj – The Night Journey
Mi’raj, is concerned with the ascent of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to Paradise which has been depicted via art, poetry and philosophy throughout time, displaying spiritual elevation and purification of the soul. It signifies the journey of the soul and freedom from the worldly and material life through performing prayer and good deeds. The Prophet’s final journey plays an important part in Muslim consciousness.
Yawm-e Ali
This day which is among the festivals held by Ismaili Shias is in the month of Rajab and Ismailis and other Muslims celebrate the birthday of Hazrat Ali, cousin and son-in-law to Prophet Muhammad, by practicing compassion, generosity, integrity and unity, patience, sympathy and brotherhood, in order to renew their commitments to Hazrat Ali. As mentioned in the traditions of Shia Islam, Hazrat Ali is known as the most significant spiritual and intellectual authority in Islam after the Prophet. He established his leadership on the basis of ethics, justness and morality.
Meaning the “birth of the Prophet”, is widely celebrated by Muslims around the world for the life that he lived and all the lessons he so selflessly taught. He came to this world in 570 CE and lived an honest life. He was known for his trustworthiness and morality from an early age, and at the age of 40, he received his first revelation from Allah which signifies the coming together of the Holy Quran.
Muharram is a month of mourning when Muslims are reminded of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (PBUH) and his companions and the sacrifices they made for the survival of Islam, and they honor their memories and pay their respects through Islamic rituals. Ismailis, during the first 10 days of this month, do not celebrate any festivities, but only honor the deeds of Imam Husayn and are reminded of his principles of justice and righteous.
On this festival held by Ismaili Shias, they celebrate the birthday of their Imam-of-the-time around the globe. Ismailis, on this unique and special occasion, reflect upon the spiritual bond that they have created with Mowlana Hazar Imam. This occasion is an opportunity to express love and loyalty to the imamat.
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